Texas State Preceptory Legion of Honor By-laws
Table of Contents
Article I – NAME
Article V – MEETINGS
Article VII – DUES
This Preceptory, by authorization of the Executive Officer in Texas for DeMolay International shall be known as the Texas State Preceptory Legion of Honor of the Order of DeMolay.
The Texas State Preceptory Legion of Honor owes its allegiance to DeMolay International under the direction and control of its Executive Officer in Texas. The By-Laws And Rules and Regulations of DeMolay International, and the orders and edicts of its Executive Officer in Texas are supreme. This State Preceptory shall be governed by these Bylaws only to the extent they are consistent with the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of DeMolay International and with the orders and edicts of its Executive Officer in Texas.
Every Legionnaire, Active and Honorary, duly invested and in good standing with DeMolay International and who is either a Senior Member of a Texas DeMolay chapter or who is domicile in the State of Texas, shall be a member of the State Preceptory and be entitled to participate in its activities, provided however, that only a Legionnaire with his lifetime membership paid in full will be accorded the privilege of voting and holding office.
Section 1. The officers of the State Preceptory shall be as follows: State Dean, State Vice Dean, State Preceptory Secretary, State Preceptory Treasurer, State Preceptory Chaplain and State Preceptory Sergeant-At-Arms.
Section 2. The State Preceptory Secretary and the State Preceptory Treasurer are appointed by the Executive Officer in Texas. The Board of Directors elects the other officers of the State Preceptory.
Section 3. Any Legionnaire, Active or Honorary, in good standing with DeMolay International and with his lifetime membership fees to the State Preceptory paid in full is eligible to any office; provided, however, that a candidate for State Dean and/or State Vice Dean must be a Dean or Past Dean of a Preceptory of the Legion of Honor, or have the approval of the Executive Officer in Texas.
Section 4. The Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors shall elect officers and the State Preceptory Secretary and the State Preceptory Treasurer shall be appointed by the Executive Officer at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Terms of all offices shall be for one year and all officers may be eligible for re-election and reappointment.
Section 6. The State Dean shall, in addition to the duties prescribed by DeMolay International and its Executive Officer in Texas preside at all meetings of the State Preceptory, its Board of Directors, make committee appointments, and see that all directives and orders of the State Preceptory are faithfully executed.
Section 7. In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of State Dean, the State Vice Dean shall advance to the office of State Dean.
Section 8. In the absence of the State Dean from a State Preceptory meeting, the State Vice Dean shall preside. In the absence of both, the Senior Past State Dean present shall preside.
Section 9. The State Dean, with the approval of the Executive Officer in Texas, is empowered to perform all acts necessary to promote the best interest and welfare of the State Preceptory.
Section 10. The State Preceptory Secretary shall keep all records, reports and minutes. He shall, at the discretion of the State Dean, send out notices for meetings of the State Preceptory and perform all other clerical duties requested of him by the State Dean.
Section 11. The State Preceptory Treasurer shall collect lifetime membership fees and assessments and have charge of all finances. He shall keep proper books showing all receipts and disbursements and shall make a financial report annually to the State Preceptory. The State Preceptory Treasurer shall keep all funds of the State Preceptory separately on deposit in a federally insured institution.
Section 12. The State Preceptory Secretary and State Preceptory Treasurer are authorized to expend such monies as are reasonably necessary to meet expenses for stamps, letters, receipt books, registrars and other materials required for making and mailing notices for meetings and keeping records of minutes and finances. They are authorized to make such further expenditures as may be ordered by the State Dean or by the Executive Officer of DeMolay in Texas.
Section 13. Other officers of the State Preceptory shall assist the State Dean and perform such duties as the State Dean may direct or which naturally pertain to such an office.
Section 14. Officers of the State Preceptory shall assume their duties when installed by the Executive Officer in Texas or by a State Dean or Past Dean designated by him for that purpose.
Section 1. The Annual Meeting of the Texas State Preceptory of the Legion of Honor shall be held at the Annual Meeting of the Texas DeMolay Association or at such other time as the State Dean, with the approval of the Executive Officer in Texas, shall determine. In those years when the Annual Meeting is not held at the Annual State Conclave of the Texas DeMolay Association, all lifetime members of the State Preceptory shall be notified by mail at least four weeks and not more than six weeks prior to the date thereof. A quorum shall consist of eight Legionnaires, the same as for a DeMolay Chapter.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called at any time by the State Dean with the approval of the Executive Officer in Texas or by the Executive Officer in Texas if notice is mailed to all dues paying members of the State Preceptory in good standing at least four weeks and not more than six weeks prior to the date thereof.
Section 3. Only those business meetings specifically designated in the notice shall be considered at a special meeting. No other business may be transacted.
Section 1. There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the officers of the Texas State Preceptory, the Past State Deans and the Executive Officer of DeMolay in Texas or his Personal Representative and Past Executive Officers of DeMolay in Texas. The Board of Directors shall elect the State Dean and the State Vice Dean. The State Preceptory Secretary and the State Preceptory Treasurer shall be appointed by the Executive Officer in Texas. The State Dean shall appoint the State Preceptory Chaplain and the State Preceptory Sergeant-At-Arms. Members of the Board of Directors shall serve until their successors have been duly selected. Active members of DeMolay International who are Senior members of Texas DeMolay Chapters or Texas Freemasons at the time of their election to the Supreme Council shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors without vote.
Section 2. The Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Texas State Preceptory of the Legion of Honor shall be held at the Annual Meeting of the Texas DeMolay Association or at such other time as the State Dean, with the approval of the Executive Officer in Texas, shall determine, and shall be held prior to the Annual Meeting of the Texas State Preceptory of the Legion of Honor. In those meetings when the Annual Meeting of the Texas State Preceptory is not held at the Annual State Conclave of the Texas DeMolay Association, all members of the Board of Directors of the State Preceptory shall be notified by mail at least four weeks and not more than six weeks prior to the date thereof.
There shall be a lifetime membership fee of not less than $100.00 for charter members. Thereafter, the life membership fee of not less than $100.00 may be set by a majority vote of those present and voting at any Annual Meeting.
Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the guide in all parliamentary action where the same is not superseded by provisions of DeMolay International orders or edicts of its Executive Officer in Texas or by the provisions of these Bylaws.
Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors present and voting if one months notice of all amendments to be considered has been mailed to each member of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Any action of DeMolay International or of its Executive Officer in Texas which may effect or alter these Bylaws in any respect is hereby declared to be an amendment