State Staff

Executive Management

Executive Officer - Tommy Chapman

Tommy F. Chapman
Executive Officer

Tommy Frank Chapman was born in Port Arthur, Texas to Edward E. Chapman, Sr. and Anna Y. Chapman. He married Kathy on May 10, 1985.

Tommy and Kathy are the parents of two children: Katie Rendon and Chance Chapman. Katie is married to Timothy Rendon, who is also a member of Nederland Lodge. The Chapmans are members of First Baptist Church in Nederland, Texas. Following his graduation from Nederland High School in 1980 Tommy attended McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana and Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. He has one granddaughter, Emmie, and one grandson, Ellis.

Tommy went to work for the Jefferson County Sheriff Department in 1985 and retired in May 2019. He has earned two Masters Certificates from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education.

Tommy was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on May 10, 1983 in Nederland Lodge No. 1368. He served as Worshipful Master of Nederland Lodge in 1990-1991. Tommy was presented with the Golden Trowel Award for Exceptional Service by Nederland Lodge in 2002. He was presented with his Class A Life Certificate in 2022. Tommy served as District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District No. 26-A in 1995. He served on the Grand Lodge Committee on Petitions in 1992 and served on the Grand Lodge Youth Activities Committee from 2005 until 2011, serving as Chairman in 2008, 2010, and 2011 and Vice-Chairman in 2009. Tommy served as Grand Master Conference Chairman in 2003. He served as Area Coordinator for the Grand Master in 2006. He also has served as Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Benin near the Grand Lodge of Texas from 2006 until 2018 and as the Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Florida since 2018.. Tommy was appointed to the Texas Masonic Youth Foundation in 2007 and serves on the Grants Committee. He also served on the Special Assignments Committee in 2009 and as its Vice-Chairman in 2010. He was again appointed to serve as Chairman on the Youth Activities Committee in 2013 and 2014. He was appointed Special Deputy to the Most Worshipful Grand Master in 2013. He became a full member of the Sam Houston Hall of Fame in 2018. He is also a member of the Former Texas Rangers - John B. Jones Masonic Rangering Co. and was appointed Major. He was elected a director of the Texas Masonic Home and School in 2020. He was elected Grand Junior Warden in December 2014, Grand Senior Warden in December 2015, Deputy Grand Master in January 2017, and Most Worshipful Grand Master in January 2018.

Tommy was exalted in the Port Neches Chapter No. 436, Royal Arch Masons and served as High Priest in 1992-1993. He received the Order of High Priesthood in 1992. Tommy served on the Grand Chapter Credentials Committee in 1995.He served as District Deputy Grand High Priest for Capitular District No. 5 in 2000. He also served on the Grand Chapter Committee on Grievances and Appeals from 2007-2009. Also, he served on the Grand Officers Reports Committee in 2009. He was appointed to the Purposes and Polices Committee in 2014 and served as Chairman in 2015, 2016, and 2019. In 2010, he was appointed as Grand Representative of the Grand Chapter of Montana near the Grand Chapter of Texas. He was elected Right Excellent Grand Scribe in 2009, Right Excellent Grand King in 2010, Right Excellent Deputy Grand High Priest in 2011, and Most Excellent Grand High Priest in 2012. He was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Committee on Work in early 2019 and was elected to a full term in December 2019 and received his Life Certificate in 2020.

Tommy was greeted in Port Neches Council No. 413, Royal and Select Masters and served as Thrice Illustrious Master in 1993-1994. He received the Order of the Silver Trowel in 1993. Tommy served as District Deputy Grand Master for Cryptic District No. 5 in 1997. He served on the Grand Council By-Laws Committee from 1999-2003 and served as Chairman of that committee in 2004. He served on the Grand Council Purposes and Policies Committee in 2005. Tommy served as Illustrious Grand Conductor of the Council in 2001 and again in 2005. He served as Special Deputy to the Grand Master in 2005. He has served the Grand Council as Grand Representative of the Grand Council of Portugal near the Grand Council of Texas since 2005. Tommy was elected Right Illustrious Grand Principal Conductor of the Work in 2005, Right Illustrious Deputy Grand Master in 2006, and Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council of Texas in 2007. He received the Cryptic Triangle Award in 2009. He served on the Finance Committee from 2009-2014.and served as the Co-Chairman in 2013. He then served on the Jurisprudence Committee for a full five year term. He was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Committee on Work in early 2019 and was elected to a full term in December 2019 and received his Life Certificate in 2020.

Tommy was elected as Vice-President of the York Rite Esoteric Association in 2009. In 2010, he was elected to serve as President.

Tommy was knighted as a Knight Templar in Port Arthur Commandery No. 73 and is a dual member of Beaumont Commandery No. 38. He served as Commander of Beaumont Commandery in 2000. He was appointed to the Grand Commandery Dispensations and Charters Committee in 2001. He became a member of the Sovereign Order of the Knights Preceptor in 2011 with his father and son. He was appointed to serve on the Jurisprudence Committee in 2011. He received the Excalibur Award in 2012 from Port Arthur Commandery No. 73. He is serving the Grand Commandery as Grand Representative of the Grand Commandery of Illinois near the Grand Commandery of Texas. He served as Vice Chairman of the Templar Instruction Committee 2013-2014, and served as Chairman since 2015. He received the Knight Templar Cross of Honor in April 2014. In 2018, he was award the Knight Commander of the Temple in 2018. He was served as Commander of Port Arthur Commandery No. 73 in 2019. He was awarded the Commander’s Distinguished Service Medal. His Commandery was awarded the Fred M. Gilbough Plaque for receiving the highest grade in Asylum Ritual for the Inspection during his term of office. He was elected to the progressive grand line in 2020 and is currently the Eminent Grand Sword Bearer of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Texas.

Tommy is a member of Texas College, Societas Rosicruiana In Civitatibus Foederatis.

Tommy is a member and served as Puissant Sovereign of the San Felipe Conclave Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine in 2011. He received the Red Cross of Constantine in 1998.

Tommy received the Knight of York Cross of Honor in 2001 and is a member of Thomas H. Ridout Priory No. 75. He received the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests in 2006 and is a member of Resurrection Tabernacle No. XXI.He served as Preceptor in 2019 and was elevated, constituted, and coroneted a Knight Commander.

He became a member of Southeast Texas York Rite College in 2003 and is a Past Governor. He received the Order of the Purple Cross in 2013. He was appointed Deputy Grand Governor of Texas in 2016.

He joined Anson Jones Council No. 47, Knight Masons, and Sam Houston Council No. 275 Allied Masonic Degrees on July 31, 2019.

Tommy is a member of the Galveston Scottish Rite Bodies. He is Degree Master of the 6th and 15th Degrees and Assistant Degree Master of the 28th Degree, and he has served as Assistant Degree Master of the 32 Degree. He served on the Reunion Staff and works on several Degree teams. He served on the Scholarship and Membership Committees. He served as President of the Mid-South Jefferson County Club in 2000. He has served on the Maundy Thursday and Re-Lighting of the Tapers teams since 1996. Tommy served as Wise Master in 2003, Venerable Master in 2004, Master of Kadosh in 2005, and Commander- Council of Kadosh in 2011. He served on the Executive Committee from 2003-2005 and 2011. He was honored with the Knight Commander Court of Honor in 1999 and was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in 2003.

Tommy is a member of El Mina Shriners and served as President of Mid-Jefferson County Shrine Club in 2016-2017.

He joined the National Sojourners in the Grand Master's Chapter in 2018, and the Heroes of 76 in 2019.

Tommy is a member of Nederland Chapter No. 1079 Order of the Eastern Star. He served as Worthy Patron in 1999-2000, 2014-2015 and 2020-present. He served on the Grand Chapter of Texas Masonic Centurion Committee in 1999-2000. He also served on the Grand Chapter of Texas Spring Fling Committee 2000-2001, Arrangements Committee- Security 2011-2012, Roping in the Masons, District 4 Chairman in 2015-2016, Arrangements Committee- Security 2016-2017, and Masonic Liaison General Chairman 2019-present.

Tommy has served as an Adult Volunteer since 1997 and on the Advisory Board of Port Neches Assembly No. 159 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls from 2003-2013. He received the Grand Cross of Color Degree in 2001.

Tommy is a Life Member of DeMolay International. As an active DeMolay he served as Master Councilor of Nederland Chapter and was awarded the Past Master Councilor Meritorious Service Award. He also received the Representative DeMolay Award, Founders Membership Award, Blue Honor Key award, and the Lamp of Knowledge. He was knighted as a Sir Knight in the Houston Priory. He was elected and served as District Deputy State Master Councilor. He was also elected and served as South East Texas Area Master Councilor. He received the Degree of Chevalier in 1980. Tommy has served as Chairman of the Advisory Council of Nederland Chapter Order of DeMolay since 1993. He has received the Legion of Honor, Cross of Honor, and Advisor’s Honor Key. He was made an Honorary State Master Councilor of the Texas DeMolay Association by his son during his term. He is a Past State Commander of the Texas State Court of Chevaliers. He was elected an Honorary Member of the International Supreme Council of DeMolay International in 2013. In 2019, he was elected a Deputy Member of the International Supreme Council. He was awarded the Guild of the Leather Apron in 2019.

At Conclave 2019, he was named Deputy Executive Officer of Texas. He was appointed as the Personal Representative of the Grand Master on July 19, 2020. On September 19, 2020, he was elevated to Executive Officer. Dad Chapman was awarded the Executive Officer of the Year Eagle Award from the International Supreme Council at the 2022 Session in Orlando, FL.

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    Deputy Executive Officer for Administration - Chance Chapman, PSMC, PSIKC, PSC

    Tommy Chance Chapman
    Deputy Executive Officer - Administration

    Tommy Chance Chapman was born on July 11, 1989, in Nederland, Texas, to Tommy and Kathy Chapman. He attended school at Nederland ISD, and graduated from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, in 2011, where he earned a degree in accounting. At Lamar University, he was a member of the Accounting Society and Beta Alpha Psi, an Accounting Honors society. Upon graduating, he was employed by the City of Beaumont as an accountant until 2018, when he went to work in the private sector. Currently is the Comptroller of M&M Industrial Services, Inc.

    Brother Chapman was initiated into the Order of DeMolay in Nederland Chapter No. 3616, in 2001. He was installed as Master Councilor the following year and was awarded the Past Master Councilor's – Meritorious Service Award. Brother Chapman has been awarded the Representative DeMolay Award, the Founder's Membership Award, the Blue Honor Key, the Distinguished Service Award, and has successfully completed the Leadership Correspondence Course. He was honored to serve Texas DeMolay Association as District Deputy State Master Councilor in 2003 and 2004. He was elected to serve as State Senior Councilor in 2005, Deputy State Master Councilor in 2006, and on July 21, 2007, Brother Chapman was elected and installed as the 78th State Master Councilor of the Texas DeMolay Association.

    In 2006, Sir Knight Chapman was invested into the Chivalric Knights of the Holy Order of the Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay Houston Priory No. 94. He was installed as Illustrious Knight Commander in 2009. On July 11th of that year, he was installed as the 61st State Illustrious Knight Commander of the Texas State Priory.

    Brother Chapman was elevated to the rank and honor of Chevalier in 2007. He is a Past Commander of Golden Triangle Court of Chevaliers and served as State Commander of the Texas State Court of Chevaliers in 2016. Additionally, in 2016 he was invested with the active Legion of Honor. He was a founding member of Edward E. Chapman, Sr. Preceptory (named in honor of his grandfather) and has continued to serve as Secretary since its founding. He received the Cross of Honor in 2019.

    Dad Chapman served Texas DeMolay Association as State Scribe from 2011-2023 and has served as State Registrar of the Texas State Priory from 2017-2023. In July 2023, he was appointed as the Deputy Executive Officer for Administration. He was honored with the Guild of the Leather Apron in 2015. He was appointed District Governor in 2017 and was elected a Deputy Member of the International Supreme Council in 2021.

    Brother Chapman was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in Nederland Lodge No. 1368 in 2007. He served Nederland Lodge at Worshipful Master in 2014. The members of Nederland Lodge honored him with the Golden Trowel Award in 2018. In 2019 he was elected president of the Southeast Texas Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries Association.

    Brother Chapman has served the Grand Lodge of Texas in multiple capacities. He was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District No. 26-A in 2017. He served as Grand Senior Deacon in 2018 and Grand Marshal in 2022.  He has served various committees of the Grand Lodge including the Youth Activities Committee, where he served as chairman in 2017, 2018, and 2021; the Special Assignments Committee; and the Grievance and Appeals Committee. In 2018 he was appointed Grand Representative of California near the Grand Lodge of Texas. He served as Assistant State Coordinator in 2018 and as State Coordinator in 2022. Brother Chapman is a proud recipient of both the William M. Beck Award (2019) and the Sam Houston Award (2023). He currently serves as Grand Orator and Chief of Staff.

    Companion Chapman was exalted a Royal Arch Mason in Port Neches Chapter No. 436 in 2007.He was elected and installed as High Priest in 2012 and received the Order of the High Priesthood that year. The Companions of Port Neches Chapter honored him with the Cornerstone Award in 2017. He was appointed District Deputy Grand High Priest of Capitular District No. 5 in 2014. He also served as Excellent Grand Captain of the Host in 2015; Excellent Grand Royal Arch Captain in 2013 and 2017; and Excellent Grand Marshal in 2021. He is served as State Coordinator in 2013, 2021 and 2023. In the Order of High Priesthood, he is currently serving as Excellent Master of Ceremonies.

    Companion Chapman was greeted a Royal and Select Master in Port Neches Council No. 413 in 2007. He was elected and installed as Thrice Illustrious Master in 2011 and received the Order of the Silver Trowel that year. He was presented with the Cryptic Triangle Award in 2014. He was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of Cryptic District No. 5 in 2013, Illustrious Grand Captain of the Guards in 2016, Illustrious Grand Conductor of the Council in 2021, and Grand Representative of Idaho near the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas in 2013. He served on the Recognitions, Honors, and Awards Committee from 2014 to 2019. In 2017, he was elected as a Director of the York Rite Development Fund Board of Directors and served as President in 2021 and 2022. He also served as State Coordinator in 2021 and 2023.

    Sir Knight Chapman was knighted in Port Arthur Commandery No. 73 in 2008. He was installed as Eminent Commander in 2011 and joined Texas Chapter of the Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor that same year alongside his father and grandfather. During his tenure as Eminent Commander, he was awarded the Commander's Distinguished Service Medal, and Port Arthur Commandery was awarded the J. C. Kidd Award. He was appointed to serve as Grand Representative of Panama near the Grand Commandery of Texas in 2015 and served on the Long-Range Planning Committee from 2013-2017. In 2014, Sir Knight Chapman was elected Grand Sentinel of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas and was installed as the Right Eminent Grand Commander on April 16, 2023. In addition to serving the Grand Commandery, he serves the Sir Knights of Texas as an officer in Texas Chapter of the Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor.

    Sir Knight Chapman was appointed as an Aide-de-Camp to the Right Eminent Grand Generalissimo, at the Triennial Conclave of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America in August 2021. Additionally, in the Grand Encampment he serves on the Membership Committee and DeMolay Committee.

    Companion Chapman is an active member in various invitational bodies of the York Rite. He is a Past Governor of Southeast Texas York Rite College No. 90.  He is a member of San Felipe Conclave, Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine, Sam Houston Council No. 275, Allied Masonic Degrees, and Anson Jones Council No. 47 Knight Masons.

    Brother Chapman was elevated to the 32nd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Galveston in 2009. He has served the Valley of Galveston as Degree Master of the 28th Degree and also serves on the 6th and 15th degree teams.

    Noble Chapman is a member of El Mina Shriners in Galveston. He served as President of the Mid-Jefferson County Shrine Club in 2018 and has served as Secretary since 2020. In the Enchanted Realm, Prophet Chapman is a member of Cashan Grotto.

    Brother Chapman was initiated into Nederland Chapter No. 1079, Order of the Eastern Star in 2007. He is a Past Patron and was a longtime Treasurer. He served the Grand Chapter on the Young Americans and Faith in Our Future Committees, both being associated with promoting the Masonic Youth of Texas, and also on the Picnic on the Brazos Committee. In 2017, he served as District 4 Chairman of the Masonic Family Committee.

    Chance lives in Nederland and is a member Hillcrest Baptist Church. He enjoys Houston Astros baseball, live music, and traveling with his fiancée, Lisa.

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      Deputy Executive Officer for Operations - Joe Jones

      L. Joe Jones
      Deputy Executive Officer - Operations

      Bio coming soon.

      State Treasurer - Steve Seymour, PSIKC

      Steven W. Seymour 
      State Treasurer

      Steven Wayne Seymour was selected the State Treasurer of the Texas DeMolay Association on July 20, 1997. Steven is a Past Master Councilor and earned the PMC- Meritorious Service Award at Sam B. Cantey, Jr. Chapter No. 1840 in Bellaire Texas. In addition, he served as Illustrious Knight Commander and earned the PIKC- Meritorious Service Award of Houston Priory No. 194. He is a Past State Illustrious Knight Commander, serving in 1980-1981. He also served as the Gulf Coast Area Master Councilor and is a Past District Deputy State Master Councilor. He has received the Leadership Correspondence Course, Representative DeMolay Award, Blue Honor Key, Medal of Appreciation, Legion of Honor, Cross of Honor and the Degree of Chevalier. He was recognized as the Priory Advisor of the Year for 1983-1984. He also served as Director of Knighthood under Past Executive Officer Arthur Roberts. He is a Charter Member of the International DeMolay Alumni Association. Dad Seymour is a Past Chapter Advisor of Houston Chapter No. 201 and currently serving as Chapter Advisor for Reagan Chapter No. 203.
      Dad Seymour was raised a Master Mason at Bellaire Masonic Lodge No. 1336 and holds an Endowed Membership. In addition, he has dual membership with Northwest Lodge No. 1434. He is an endowed member of the Houston Scottish Rite bodies, Arabia Shrine Temple, Chinar Grotto, Houston Court Order of Amaranth. He is a Past Royal Patron for the Houston Court and a Deputy Supreme Royal Patron for the Order of Amaranth.

      Dad Seymour was active with both of his children in the YMCA Indian Guide and Indian Princess program. He served as tribal chief twice and nation chief once in that organization. In addition, he has coached YMCA t-ball, baseball, soccer, and basketball. He has served on the board of his homeowners association as President. He attends regularly Northwoods Presbyterian Church. In addition to worship, he finds time to play the trumpet in the church band, lead youth retreats, and teach Sr. High Sunday School and Sr. High confirmation.

      Dad Seymour is married to Angela Kay Seymour and has two children, Randall and Melanie. Angela is a Past Worthy Advisor of Melrose Assembly, Past Chapter Sweetheart of Wilbourn Chapter, Past Royal Matron of Houston Court Order of the Amaranth and Deputy Supreme Royal Matron Order of the Amaranth. Dad Seymour has a Bachelor's degree from the University of Houston in Computer Science. Presently he is the Manager of Corporation Applications for Administaff.

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        State Scribe / State Registrar - Michael Cote II

        Michael J. Cote, II
        State Scribe/State Registrar

        Michael Joyal Cote II was born February 18, 2000, in Fort Worth, Texas to Michael and Crystal Cote. He grew up and still resides in Granbury, Texas. He is the oldest child with one younger sister, Emily. He graduated from Granbury High School in 2018 where during his Senior year, while serving on the school’s yearbook staff, was voted as a superlative by his peers and was labeled “Most Likely to Become President.” Immediately after graduation, he continued his education at Tarleton State University where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science in 2021. There, he achieved departmental honors, was selected as the inaugural recipient of the Outstanding Honor Graduate for his department, became an assistant student instructor, represented the university at a public policy exposition, and received invitational memberships in multiple Greek and leadership honor fraternities. After graduation, he completed various leadership courses through Harvard University’s Kennedy and Business Schools, as well as obtaining multiple certifications from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Before entering public education, he also was an undergraduate course tutor. On August 9, 2020, he became an ordained minister through Universal Life Church-Online. 

        Professionally, he has been a musician for various country music bands and corporate agencies in the North Texas region since he was 14 years old, primarily as a percussionist and pianist. In middle school, he was a trumpeter where he was selected as first chair and joined a trumpet quartet which won various UIL and All-Region competitions. Outside of music, he is a political scientist. His interest started back when he was a junior in high school where he was selected to serve Congressman Mike Conaway on his Congressional Youth Advisory Council. He has since been an advisor and consultant for multiple political campaigns across Texas. He has always had a heart for education and has worked for Granbury ISD in Special Education since 2022. He also dabbles in graphic design where he obtained multiple Adobe Certified Associate certifications. Michael firmly believes in the support of fraternal and charitable organizations. On August 26, 2023, he was knighted as a Brother Knight in the Order of Knights of Pythias in Mineral Wells Lodge No. 212. Additionally, he attends St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church. In January 2022, he became a Brother Knight in the Knights of Columbus by receiving his third degree in St. Frances Cabrini Council No. 9748. In the Spring of 2023, he became a member of the Blessed Father Michael McGivney Guild. In civic life, since 2009, his family has been a North Texas Ambassador family for the March of Dimes.

        Brother Cote joined Legacy Manor of Squires, Order of DeMolay in late 2011. A few months later, he was initiated into Legacy Chapter in Midlothian, Texas on his twelfth birthday, later transferring to H. Malvern Marks Chapter in Fort Worth, Texas. He held nearly every office, including Organist, during his full nine years as an Active DeMolay. He was installed as Master Councilor twice; once in 2017 and another in 2019. Beginning in 2017, he was selected to be the Scribe and served his Chapter for many terms, earning his infamous nickname, “Scribble.” Upon his majority, he was named Scribe-Emeritus by his Advisory Council. As an active member, Brother Cote was awarded the Representative DeMolay Award, Founder’s Membership Award, Centennial Pro-Merito Award, the Lamp of Knowledge, and earned a multitude of merit bars of all ranks. He additionally had been on winning teams and competed in various ritual and athletics competitions as well as competitions in Oklahoma’s DeMolay Leadership Conference. In the state association, he served as State Junior Deacon in 2018 and State Senior Deacon in 2019. He additionally held the role of Chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation in 2018-2019 and was selected as a caucus election teller for the State elections of 2019. He served as Chairman of the Committee on Credentials for 2019-2020 and as a member of the Special Committee on State Initiation in 2020-2021. As both an active and senior member, he served on The Texas Crown Committee. During the centennial year of DeMolay, he served the constituents of District 2 as District Deputy State Master Councilor. At the 2023 Conclave, he was named an Honorary Past State Master Councilor by Tyler J. Copenhaver. At the 2019 Government Day, he was elected Speaker of the House during a contested race, where he received a near-unanimous vote. He served as the assistant clerk of the House from 2020-2023. At the 2021 Government Day, he was appointed to temporarily preside over a session, becoming the first Speaker-Emeritus to preside again. At the various Masonic Youth Weekends, he had been selected as co-captain twice. 

        On March 17, 2018, Sir Knight Cote was the last member invested in D/FW Priory before the name changed to Michie Brous Priory. He served the first full term of Illustrious Knight Commander of the formally changed name Priory in the fall of 2018. After his short term in the east, where the Priory doubled in size, he was selected to serve as Registrar, where he served for several years until his majority. In 2019, he served as State Senior Deacon and was named an Honorary Deputy State Illustrious Knight Commander by K. Lee Klump, while serving as the State Priory Coordinator. In 2020, he served as State Prior. In 2023, he was awarded his Green Honor Key for recruitment.

        Brother Cote was elevated to the rank and dignity of a Chevalier on June 23, 2018. He served as Grand Commander of Ben F. Whitley Court of Chevaliers in 2019-2020. He has been elected as Secretary-Treasurer since 2021. He has served two terms as a State Court Co-Standard Bearer 2019-2021, State Court Marshal 2022-2023, and State Court Chaplain 2023-2024. He has possessed a life membership in the State Court since 2019.

        After his Majority in 2021, he became an Adult Volunteer and was promoted to an advisor by the Executive Officer in July of 2021. Since that time, he has served as Council Secretary for the Advisory Councils of both his Chapter and Priory. On May 6, 2021, he became a Charter Member of the Texas DeMolay Alumni Association holding badge No. 10, has served as the Fort Worth Regional Coordinator since October 30, 2022, served an unexpired term on the State Board of Directors, and now serves as the Board Secretary. In 2023, he received a lifetime membership in the DeMolay International Alumni Association. He also is an annual instructor at the Texas DeMolay Leadership Academy. On July 15, 2021, he was appointed by Dad Tommy F. Chapman to become the 1st Assistant State Scribe for the Texas DeMolay Association. Effective July 14, 2023, Dad Cote became the 21st State Scribe and the 18th State Registrar for the Texas DeMolay Bodies and continues to serve within the Executive Management. He also is an advisor for Texas At-Large and is a State Social Media Advisor. On January 19, 2024, Dad Cote participated in the institution of Samuel P. Cochran Honorary Chapter and was a member of the inaugural degree team. That night, he was also awarded the Medal Of Appreciation by the Executive Officer for his contributions and assistance to the Honorary Chapter. 

        Brother Cote was raised a Master Mason in his family lodge on August 18, 2018, in Glen Rose Lodge No. 525 in Glen Rose, Texas. He later joined Stockyard Lodge No. 1244, serving as their 94th Worshipful Master (2023-2024) and is an endowed member. He also is a member of Tranquility Lodge No. 2000 and the Texas Lodge of Research. He served the Grand Lodge of Texas as the Worshipful Grand Musician in 2021, becoming the first Active DeMolay to be installed as a Grand Officer of any Grand Masonic body. He served as the Installing Grand Musician for the 2023 Grand Lodge Installation. He has had the ceremonial privilege of serving as a pro-tem Grand Musician, Grand Junior Deacon, and Grand Senior Warden during various Grand Annual Communications. In 2023, he was appointed to fill an unexpired term on the Grand Lodge Committee of Youth Activities and was selected as the Committee Secretary. Currently, he is again serving as Grand Musician, is a member of the Grand Master's Committee on Special Assignments, and is part of multiple Grand Master Planning Teams. In 2024, he became a member of the Sam Houston Hall of Fame for the Masonic Grand Lodge Library and Museum. 

        Companion Cote was exalted a Royal Arch Mason in Tarrant Chapter No. 416 on March 16, 2019, and is currently presiding as their 103rd Most Excellent High Priest. Since 2017, before he was a Mason, he has served as a member of the Stage and Sound Committee for the Masonic Family Day Planning Team. Currently, he serves the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas as the Excellent Grand Organist while also being the Assistant State Coordinator for the Grand High Priest’s Planning Team and District Deputy Training Team. He is member of the Committee on Internet, a member of the Special Committee on Past Grand High Priest Memorials, and is the Chairman of the Committee on Fraternal Correspondence. On December 13, 2024, he was anointed, consecrated, and set apart as an Anointed High Priest in the Order of High Priesthood of Texas State Council after the Order of Melchizedek. For that degree class, he was selected as the class representative. 

        Companion Cote was greeted as a Royal and Select Master in Tarrant Council No. 349 on April 3, 2019, and is currently presiding as their 99th Thrice Illustrious Master. On June 22, 2019, he received the Super Excellent Master’s degree. He previously served the Grand Council of Texas as the Illustrious Grand Organist in 2023 and is currently serving in that role again for 2025. In 2024, he was a member of the Special Committee on Music. On December 13, 2024 he was crowned a life member after being anointed as a Thrice Illustrious Master of Texas Council of Anointed Kings of the Order of the Silver Trowel. For that degree class, he was selected as the class representative and the exemplary candidate. 

        Sir Knight Cote received the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and the Order of Malta on October 19, 2019. He was later knighted upon receiving the valiant and magnanimous Order of the Temple in Stephenville Commandery No. 100 on November 16, 2019. Later on, he formally received the Mediterranean Pass naming him a Knight of St. Paul. In 2023, he served the Grand Commandery of Texas as a member of the Grand Commander's Planning team and was an Aide-de-Camp. Since 2023, he has been the Social Media Coordinator for the Committee on Electronic Communications as well as the Editor of the State newsletter, “The Texas Templar”. He has had the ceremonial privilege of serving as a pro-tem Grand Recorder at a Grand Conclave. On April 15, 2023, he was commissioned as a Templar Chaplain through the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar USA. In late 2023, he completed the Grand Encampment educational courses certifying him a Templar Ritualist in all three orders, as well as having the rank and title of Grand Templar Historian bestowed upon him.

        Continuing in his York Rite journey, he is a member of the Tarrant County York Rite Association. On November 29, 2022, Companion Knight Cote was dubbed and raised to the nobility of a Knight of York by receiving the invitational Order of York in Trinity York Rite College No. 154 in Fort Worth, Texas. He was admitted to the Worshipful Society of Free Masons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers, and Bricklayers ("The Operatives") on August 20, 2024 in Parker County Courthouse Assemblage, where he currently is a Fellow of the Craft of the IIº.

        On July 24, 2019, Brother Cote was elected to receive invitational honorary membership into General William J. Worth Chapter No. 463 of National Sojourners.

        Noble Cote became a Worthy Noble of the Mystic Shrine (AAONMS) in Moslah Temple on April 8, 2021, and currently is in general nobility. He also is a member of the 100 Million Dollar Club. 

        Prophet Cote received the Order of Veiled Prophets in Cowboy Grotto (MOVPER) on May 25, 2022, where he is a Charter Member. He currently is in the officer line and a committee member. In 2022, he became the first member of his Grotto to receive an Enchanted Lantern for humanitarianism. 

        Brother Cote became a Master of the Royal Secret on October 1, 2022, in the Fort Worth Valley of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (AASR). He holds the rank of 32nd degree and previously served as an officer in the Consistory. He currently is a member of the Fort Worth Valley’s Stage Committee. On June 6, 2023, he received the Order of the Thistle becoming a Squire of the Knights of St. Andrew. He currently is an enrolled student at the Master Craftsman Online College and Leadership Academy.

          District Governors

          District 1 Governor - David Melear

            District 2 Governor - John Hughes

              District 3 Governor - Ben Wilson

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                District 4 Governor - Chance Chapman, PSMC, PSIKC, PSC

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                  District 5 Governor - Paul Wunsche

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                    District 6 Governor - Paul Canales, PSMC, PSIKC, PSC

                      District 7 Governor - Don Smith


                      Director of Conclave - Tom Crow

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                        Director of Housing and Venues - Stephanie Jones

                          Director of Athletics - Carl Russell
                          Director of Ritual - Doug Van Griner, PSMC, PSIKC, PSC

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                            Director of Government Day - Andrew Parks
                            Director of Membership - Christian Moore, GC
                            Director of Knighthood - David Baskin, PSIKC, PSC
                            Director of Sweethearts - Reagan Bryant, PSPQ

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                              Director of Merchandise - Neeley Duty

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                                Director of The Leadership Academy - Rex Wunsche, PSMC, PSIKC
                                Director of Youth Protection - Kathy Chapman
                                Director of Texas DeMolay Alumni Association - Paul Canales, PSMC, PSIKC, PSC

                                  Director of Technology - Will Birchett

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                                    Director of Photography - Kendal Clark, PSSH
                                    Director of Masonic Relations - Larry Tucker, PSC, State Dean

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                                      Director of Donor Relations - J. Weldon Clampitte, PGM, PEO

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                                        State Dad - Paul Wunsche
                                        State Historian - Michael Phillipus, PSMC, PSC

                                          Jurisdictional Staff - Michael Sampson, PEO

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                                            Jurisdictional Staff - Brian Dodson, PGM

                                              Jurisdictional Staff - Charles Kinsey

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                                                Jurisdictional Staff - Jim Davis

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